Jennifer Simpson
"San Diego Musical Theatre's production of Chicago gets your attention before the first note of the longtime Broadway favorite is sung. When gorgeous cast member Jennifer Simpson, barely clad in black, struts down the aisles of the Birch North Park Theatre and takes the stage like she owns the place, you know this is going to be one sexy show -- and it is."
- San Diego City Beat: Sex Appeal and Sass Keep 'Chicago' Young
"It's more than worth a little neck-craning to see that ensemble at work, including such standouts as Jennifer Simpson (Go-to-Hell Kitty).. "
- UT San Diego: 'Chicago' Has All That Jazz
"The show boasts of seventeen or eighteen musical and dance numbers... including an exercise skip rope number starring Jennifer Simpson as Brooke Wyndham the workout queen, that wore me out just watching her jump rope to "Whipped into Shape." That was an OMG moment for me."
- "Legally Blonde: The Musical" at Moonlight is OMG Such Fun!
"Ultra-fit Jennifer Simpson manages to sing a number full out while jumping rope as jailed fitness queen Brooke Wyndham (whose case Elle takes on and wins)."
- UT San Diego: Legally Blonde is Fun, but Featherlight
"Without giving away too much storyline, here are some of Legally Blonde’s greatest musical moments: "Whipped Into Shape,” a taeboe/jump rope aerobics class taught by fitness guru turned accused murderess Brook Wyndham (Jennifer Simpson)—begun in her exercise studio, continued behind prison walls, and even extended into her defense team’s law office, featuring some of the most exciting (and physically exhausting) choreography in memory."
"Simpson takes Brooke, the show’s highest-energy featured role, and performs it to particularly dynamic effect."
- Stage Scene LA: Legally Blonde WOW!
"Among scene stealers are Johnny Fletcher who plays Kyle, the UPS guy; and Jennifer Simpson who as fitness guru-turned-murder defendant Brooke Wyndham performs an impressive jump rope routine while singing “Whipped Into Shape.” Kudos to the cast members who accompanied Simpson."
- Pomerado News: Moonlight's 'Legally Blonde' Musical has Fun Twists